Chrome Pilot Program Releases Cr-48 Notebook. You’ll Want It

Those of you who are participating in the Chrome Pilot program are very close to getting a close-up of this compact gray-black notebook.

As the very first notebook designed with the Pilot program in mind, if you’ve got the heart of a power user, the Cr-48 will steal that heart and never give it back.

Booting takes all of 10 seconds, and resuming from sleep happens instantly. Wi-Fi and 3G are both naturally part of the deal, as is a webcam. The touchpad is on the big side, Google calls it “oversized”, and the 12 inch LCD mirrors a full size keyboard.

Now, when you look at this notebook, there’s a quality that’s immediately obvious, and it’s reminiscent of the square and solid look of full-sized laptops from a decade ago. It somehow spells resiliency and business, and, again – if you’re a power user – this is a look that will feel very intimate to you. But there’s also something refined on top of that, partly from the small form-factor, and partly from the color, which isn’t the purest black.

This quality’s character seems quite outspoken, and you might be able to hear its little voice saying ‘I’ve taken the best out of those tough business laptops and slimmed it down to something neat and sleek, but definitely not cutesy like those other notebooks, and now it all works for 8 hours on end and weighs just 3.8 pounds’.

“What did we leave out? Spinning disks, caps-lock key, function keys, and lap burns.”

I hear you Google. And I want one. Badly.


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